
Ian Benouis, Esq.

Ian is a West Point graduate, former US Army officer, Blackhawk helicopter pilot and combat veteran. He is Patient Number One at the Mission Within which treats special operators with PTSD, TBI and addiction using iboga and Bufo in Mexico. He is an advisor there, after being the General Counsel and spearheading the veteran healing program. Ian has been helping wounded veterans for over 8 years. He participated in Operation Just Cause in the Republic of Panama, the largest combat operation in US history focused directly on the War on Drugs. Ian founded an ONAC church chapter which was later returned to the parent church. He is a founder of a Santo Daime church which is the US chapter of a Brazilian government approved church and between himself and his law partner Greg Lake have created over sixty entheogenic churches around the US. Ian was a pharmaceutical representative for Pfizer after he got out of the Army witnessing firsthand the meteoric rise of the SSRI’s and synthetic opioids in the 1990’s.