Messages From The Church
The Sacramental Consumption of Entheogens: Our Shared World Religious Heritage
Part One: General Overview Exploring and understanding sacramental entheogens We are pleased to announce that …
Know Your Source: Ethical Considerations in Obtaining 5-MeO-DMT
The sourcing of 5-meo-dmt extracted from the Sonoran Desert Toad is poorly understood and incorrectly …
What’s the Deal with Free Will?
Written by Chuck Crisco Do we have free will? You might say, “That seems like …
The Mind, Body, Spirit Complex
In modern times, especially in the west, the human mind and body, at least at …
Healing’s Original Roots
“Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients.” Father of Medicine, Hippocrates …
Universal Amnesia: Who Am I? 
I remember growing up hearing about people who would go off to “find themselves.” I …
Who Owns the Truth?
A man feels compelled to go to the altar at a Billy Graham crusade. He …
The Role of Integration as a Spiritual/Religious Practice
The primary objective of the Church of Psilomethoxin is to promote and provide a catalyst for spiritual growth and fellowship amongst its members. To this end, the Church shall offer integration services and programs at both the collective and individual levels. In this article, we will discuss the Church’s views and beliefs about integration, as well as its specific plans to provide integration to its members